Why is it that so many relationships end in divorce? The statistics will vary across the globe from as little as 5% in Macedonia to as high as 68% in Belarus. Regardless of the figure the emotional impact, stress, family split and the monetary heart aches it creates is never pleasant. Yet as a society the majority will go on blaming their partners for short comings and rarely will take responsibility for their own actions.
A big statement you might say though it took two people to concur in marrying in the first place, though most will tell you it only took one to pull it apart. Being a living testament in having both parents and in-laws divorced the common thread lay in their breakdown is communication. They are not unique yet how many will part ways and forgive the other for their suffering, and then sit back and admit to how they may have contributed to the breakdown. We all have a part to play, what was yours?
It is not one of lifes greatest mysteries, wars are fought, won or lost, businesses will fail and relationships will breakdown, not just in the past , it will happen today and beyond. However so much angst and grief could easily be avoided if the communication channels were opened up. Granted some people realize after a while that their intentions were good early in the piece though they have out grown their spouse. When couples first meet there is something clearly that appealed to them from the outset, be it lust or loneliness, though more often there is a common bond. This bond over time breakdowns then complacency steps in.