
Inventive Ways To Handle Child Custody Issues

Have you ever wanted a way to communicate and manage your co-parenting issues without actually talking to
your Ex?

Two websites have solved the problem and are being used successfully by parents and legal authorities.  The parents have to sign up and pay around $100 per year to use the site. Other people that are involved in your child custody issues such as Grandparents, etc. can use the sites also.

“In Broward and Miami Dade courts, some judges are ordering parents to use the websites, such as and, to communicate with each other. One benefit is that the sites can be viewed by judges and attorneys, thereby eliminating constant court visits over scheduling, financial issues and simple miscommunication.

Ugly court battles often leave couples unable to speak to each other, or worse, sending repeated emails that can be altered and deleted, leaving no record of the discord or how to resolve it. The Wizard and other sites give therapists, divorce mediators, family coordinators and even the courts the ability to view the site and resolve issues without costly litigation.”

Read more:

For Divorced parents trying to manage their child custody issues but are having a hard time of it…this may be an excellent solution.





Mediation of A Lawsuit

Angry DefendantHostile Harry owned several carpet stores and was being sued by a carpet manufacturer for non – payment of a group of invoices. He already felt under pressure because he knew he did owe a certain amount to the carpet manufacturer.

He was tense going in because he feared he would be taken advantage of. He was embarrassed and was uncomfortable in the position he found himself.

He had his guard up and did not want to come out on the short end of things. Harry is the defendant in this case.

The decision maker for the carpet manufacturer (the plaintiff) was George, Vice President of Credit. He felt the facts were in his favor and felt he would win if the case went to trial. He wanted to get as much as possible of the money that was owed to his company, as quickly as possible. He felt no particular need to compromise and did not really care to prevent the case from going to trial. In other words he felt he was “right”.

Harry’s objective was to reduce substantially the amount he owed to the carpet manufacturer and he hoped to receive a payout plan on that reduced amount that he could afford. He also wanted (more…)