Monthly Archives: December 2011

Divorce And The Scorched Earth Theory

Divorce Mediation Group

Many a couple has vowed that their divorce would be different. Civil, harmonious with a settlement that is win-win for both participants. They calmly acknowledge that while they are breaking up it is just one of those things where it’s everybody’s fault and at the same time no one bears the blame. One thing they guarantee to themselves and each other is no matter what they will remain the best of friends.

And then it happens. A minor conversation takes a wrong twist. Maybe a piece of bric-a-brac that the two of them picked out together suddenly becomes the center of their universe. Or deciding who the kids are going to live with turns into a heated exchange. Whatever the cause, the result is war.

Now anything or anyone becomes a weapon to destroy the other person. Old wounds and exaggerated slights are reopened with a vengeance. Even issues that were resolved a long time ago make a comeback but this time with a new slant; it was not resolved to either or both spouse’s satisfaction.

About the author: Article written by Daryl Campbell – Find out how to deal with a divorce the right way at The Relationship Tip



Divorce Advice – Uncontested Settlements & Clean Break Orders

 ... asked questions how does montclair divorce mediation work instead

Divorce doesn’t have to be a bitter squabble about pets, property, belongings and children. If the two parties can be mature and rational, communicate about their situation and make compromises then an uncontested divorce can bring the marriage to a quick and smooth end.

The two parties don’t need to agree on all elements of the separation in order for an uncontested divorce to work, but they do need to work together to negotiate a conclusion which is agreeable for both. Luckily many people manage to end their marriages in this way, instead of clogging up the courts with messy and complicated divorce cases.

There are loads of benefits to uncontested online divorces, not least savings on litigation and the reduction of stress involved in divorce. Uncontested divorce is simple and inexpensive, and offers a discreet ending which preserves the dignity of both parties. If neither party want distressing personal issues picked over in a court room, then uncontested divorce is often the best solution.

About the author: John Mce writes on a number of subjects includingdivorce anddivorce advice.



Marriage Counseling – One Of The Greatest Causes Of Divorce

Christian Divorce Mediation

I know that it sounds crazy to list marriage counseling as a cause of divorce and even crazier to call it one of the greatest causes of divorce, but it’s true.

When people think of old-time farmers they usually think of a man of self sufficiency. If a farmer has a problem with one of his cattle, for instance, and there isn’t a veterinarian for miles around, he’s either going to figure out what needs to be done or lose his cow. Necessity is the mother of invention.

But what would happen if the farmer called a veterinarian who really didn’t know anything about cows but claimed to be an expert? Of course the veterinarian would do his best to save the cow but his motivation wouldn’t be the same as the farmer’s, who depends on the cow for he and his family’s livelihood. In that case the farmer is better off doing all he can without the interference that would come from a phony, even if the phony had authentic credentials. Now some people would think that even if the veterinarian was a phony at least he is a phony with experience. Although that may be true the real proof lies in whether the cow ends up living or dies, the result will testify to his experience.

About the author: I wrote Lessons For A Happy Marriage to help people save their troubled marriage and end the marriage crisis in our country; it’s about saving children. Let’s stop divorce. The problems go beyond the failures of marriage counselors. My life’s mission is to eradicate the need for divorce through focused education. If you’re married, tell your soul mate, “I love you.”
